L07: Emotional
Intelligence and Interpersonal Skills for Leaders
intelligence, or often-called emotional quotient, is the ability of leaders to
identify and manage emotions in themselves and in others. This understanding
helps leaders to understand what’s right culturally, both in the company and
outside the company. Emotional intelligence enhances leaders’ ability to translate
these emotions into actions that show flexibility and personal and social
problem-solving ability.
skills are emotional intelligence in action, which leaders can use to
understand when reacting with others. Both emotional intelligence and
interpersonal skills enhance leaders’ communication with other effectively both
verbally and nonverbally.
In this chapter,
leaders would understand emotional intelligence and how to develop the ability
to uncover the “emotional context” which means getting below the surface of the
words. From this learning, leaders can connect emotional intelligence to
leadership styles, which might fall into different categories: visionary,
coaching, affiliate, democratic, pacesetting, and commanding. Leaders might also
vary leadership style when the situation warrants it. However, the ability to
select the most effective leadership style for different situations require
leader’s emotional intelligence to assess the situation correctly and assume
the style appropriate for the context and audiences.
The first step
to understand emotional intelligence is to understand your self-awareness,
strengths, and weaknesses. Leaders can use popular psychological profiles to
understand themselves better or use the MBTI, concept of personality
assessment. In addition, MBTI concept can also enhance leaders understanding
others. Leaders can use MBTI to understand how others are motivated and how
better to work with them.
After better
knowing themselves and others, leaders should develop an approach to improving
emotional intelligence, improving nonverbal skills, listening skills,
motivating and mentoring, and networking.
Roosevelt said, “The most important single ingredient in the formula of success
is knowing how to get along with people.” Importantly, it is the power of
emotional intelligence. People who relate well to others do better in the
workplace and as leaders of organization. Transformational leaders connect with
other openly and honestly. They understand emotional intelligence and have
interpersonal skills.
1. What are the
barriers, which can interfere listening?
A number of barriers can interfere with
listening, such as the following:
The speaker is talking about a subject of
no interest to you or is boring,
You do not agree with the speaker,
You may be interested in what you have to
say than in the other person,
You are distracted by other thoughts or
by activities around you,
You have preconceptions about the subject
or the speaker,
You respond emotionally to the words or
ideas the person presents,
You become so distracted by the person’s
delivery or something about his or her appearance that you shift your focus
away from the words,
You only hear
what you want to hear and fail to listen to anything else
2. What are the
ways to improve listening?
There are ten ways to improve listening
Stop talking,
Stop thinking ahead to what you are going
to say,
Avoid multitasking,
Try to empathize with the speaker,
Do not interrupt, but ask questions if
something is unclear
Focus on the speaker closely,
Do not let delivery or appearance
distract you,
Listen for ideas, not just for facts,
Listen with an open mind,
Pay attention to nonverbal cues and what
is not said.
3. What is the
importance of Emotional Intelligence?
Understanding Emotional Intelligence.
Emotional intelligence (quotient) is emotional and social knowledge and ability
Be aware of, understand, and express yourself.
Be aware of, understand, and related to others.
Deal with strong emotions and control your impulses.
Adapt to change and to solve problems of a personal or a social nature
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